Tuesday, June 12, 2012

no hovno

Day 21…the end of week 3

so. today i learned some slovak language. just the most important things though that i use the most. for example, no hovno. means im having a really shitty day. and hovno means poop. zabieta means im going to kill you, and dobieta means im going to beat you. like i said, some of the more important things of the language. theres some other ones but either a) they are inappropriate or b) i dont have the slightest clue how to spell or c) a mixture of a or b (majority). apparently you can use no hovno in many situations…. and i plan on doing it. its like a double negative. hovno just means like you're having a poo day. but no hovno is like i am having a super poo day. 

i have officially survived three weeks in slovakia. it seems like its been longer than that though. maybe just because my days fly by in the lab. who knows

i saw a hummer today. this is important. it is important because this is easily the largest car ive seen here. and the ONLy hummer ive seen. that person certainly has no regard for the amount of gas or for the fact that everyone else has tiny little cars that look like the hulk smooshed them together. (seriously kat, this is the most interesting thing that happened to you today?)

i made another kat creation today…. but i think this one might actually taste decent. they are some sort of variation of cake balls. we'll have to see tomorrow at work what they have to say. monika liked them at least…

also, currently, im watching czech kill greece. theyve been playing for like 5 min and its 2-0…. what is this. i may have to nap during this game instead of watch. poland plays later so monika is finally interested.

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