Friday, June 8, 2012


::::::::DAY 17::::::::::

kofola. kofola, my friends, is essentially Slovakia's coke. NOW, kofola is ONLY sold in slovakia and czech republic, and these are the ONLY 2 countries who's national "coke" is not cocacola/pepsi. today was the first day i tried this 'kofola' nonsense. and let me tell you, i really really like it. its like… coke with some sort of herbs in it? I'm not sure.  check it out though. its kind of like beer (not taste wise) but its often bought on tap at restaurants and bars. interesting, eh? so slovakia does have something to offer! or does this make them the odd ball?

work today was basically a disaster. we lost a mouse. RIP mousey. we injected one of the mice with the incorrect DNA, and i forgot to do the weights of my rats food before i filled it up. lost quite a bit of data today….oops. its ok thought, i just made them up. haha JOKES! you can't do that! its an actual experiment! i'm not in chem lab anymore! but yeah so that kind of sucks but oh well. 

i learned some more things today. these things probably have bit more of an impact on my life. and theyre pretty negative things that i should probably fix. for those of you who know me, you probably know that my brain works at 100,000 miles an hour and i rarely slow down for anything. Shereen and sam will tell you how true this is. This is a problem. it leads to carelessness. I am impatient which also leads to carelessness. Doing these experiments is finally leading me to realize that I need to be more careful. It's never really been a problem since I mean hey, who cares if I get a 7% yield on my crystals in chem lab? not me. so i haven't bothered to try and change it. But who cares if I screw up this experiment? quite a few people, including myself. It is a waste of my time and their time and money. so Goal of my summer: Slow my brain down. be less careless. forgetting to take those values today really chapped my ass and it was all my fault and nobody elses. poop emoji. time to step into the real world and be an adult

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