I SUCK, i know. I skipped 2 days. IM SORRY OK! I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE ALL DESPERATELY AWAITING MY NEXT POST. not, lets be real, nobody is even reading this
I do have quite a bit to say..but it'll probably bore you…but I think ill say it anyway, if I can remember it all.
I'd first like to say that today is the first day I have had coffee to start my morning off. and now let me tell you how much better my day is going. It's going a lot better. That basically sums it up, I can't believe I've been on a morning coffee drought until now. My eyes are now opened as they were before i left for this foreign third world land. the rats are singing, and im singing along with them, we're singing "its a whole new world" if you were wondering. orange got me thinking about disney
Last night, the lab had a grill out for Roman, one of the doctors…I forget why…but I did go anyway. Now, let me just tell you how beautiful this place was that we went to have this grill out… it was..beautiful. It's just like a giant park/trail/hang out/grill out/camp out area. One of the girls told me that the main trail is about 13.1 miles, but there are a million trails that are within the area that are not included. There are also a ton of hiking trails, a lake, river, etc etc. It was. Awesome. They were in awe that I was in such awe. It made me feel kind of stupid, and that Ames/crapids suck. which they do compared to here. There were super cool playgrounds and stuff. also, we had went to billa (their hyvee) before hand and bought some radler beers (not even fair to call this stuff beer) and some hot dogs (not even fair to call these hot dogs) the hot dogs - i honestly don't know what they were. these were the options :
PICTURE THIS: 'hot dog' half that size
PICTURE THIS: 'hot dog' 4x that size
these were my options. not the first one, but the second two. what?
******OK, side note: playgrounds are no regular playgrounds here. Here, these kids are in playground heaven. We'll call their playgrounds "God's playgrounds" Now, when god built these playgrounds, he wasn't "playin around" These playgrounds are for children who are the best of the best. If i was a child, I would j in my p's everytime i crossed one, and my little brother joe, i can only imagine the look on his face when he saw it…similar to when he got his beyblade for christmas… and then his excitement turns into greed.
one minute hes a grateful, happy kid..and then..hes plotting taking over the world and god's playground in his head.
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face of innocent happiness |
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face of greed when he realizes he will take over God's playground |
not only are there the old school monkey bars and normal things, but there are jumping castle type things, giant trampolines, and all types of machine type things that you've never seen before…i don't even know what they are. somebody came up to me and said "aren't you a little old for this?" that was after i was in the jumping castle with some 8 year olds dunking on them and pushing them into the walls. and also screaming IN YOUR FACE!! ..in their face.
just kidding. kind of.
but now that we've discussed God's playground, lets discuss Roman.
Roman..to put into a small phrase, is the man. He told me how after he was down with his schooling, he took the entire summer off and hitch hiked around Europe for 8 weeks with one of his friends. this was me -->
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crazy slovak dcotor say what?! |
i asked him if he picked up hitch hikers and he told me he did.. people did it for him so he does it for people. and he lets them stay with him, takes them to dinner/lunch, shows them the town, etc. I guess not everyone who hitch hikes/picks up hitch hikers is a crazy killer after all. some are though. with my luck, if i did this, i'd get the one person who was the crazy killer picking me up. but seriously, im adding this to my bucket list. my bucket list is kind of extravagant… but hey, what the hell, thats why its a bucket list and not a "must do in the next year" list.
so, YESTERDAY, when we were at the grill out, there was a trail that was passing right next it. This man was running towards us on it, and my first thought was, that man is so fit. my second thought was is that hitler. no, it was not hitler. but i will tell you who it was. it was Slovakia's old prime minister. Dr. Celec just goes to me, that was our old prime minister. i said crazy slovak doctor say what??? they just let their prime ministers run around in parks? no body guards? Lubka read my mind and goes, "he likes to run… no body guards". sure, sure. I think i was the only one who thought it was nuts that their prime minister ran right past us. maybe i should have tried to tackle him or something. or join him on his run, same difference.
tomorrow, you can call me the killer kat. we start killing our mice tomorrow. and i'll live in the lab. monika is leaving for austria today for the weekend and all the spaniards are out traveling too. work, you kill me (ironic?). ill be the lonely american in the slovak dorm this weekend. so maybe its a good thing that i'll be in the lab most the time.
so apparently, today, according to hela, is the one day out of the year that they open up part of the president's house for people to come and explore. i had never seen this place until yesterday when we drove by it in the bus, but let me tell you, i honestly think that the white house has nothing on it. and this is coming from a girl who has peed in the president's toilet across from the oval office. (it was a nice bathroom). i am so excited to go see it today, it'll be awesome. However, I wore some nike shorts and a t shirt to work today….. and thats probably what ill go there in…. it's a little disrespectful i think sooo I'm not sure what to do. I'll ask the girls what they think..maybe i'll just buy something and throw it on before we go.
^^^i wrote that before we went, i ended up going in the clothes i was wearing…. i looked decently normal, praise god! pics to come.
today, as ludo and i are sitting in the room measuring pressures (aka ludo is the one measuring the pressures and im sitting) dr. hodosy and lubka bring in a giant seaping pot of liquid nitrogen. what are they doing with this? trying to kill us? and all ludo is doing is plotting things to freeze and making jokes like saying "you know, after we freeze them, our mices will be so 'cool', you know, COOL" ludo, you're so funny, so, so, funny.
why. y u bring giant pot of liquid nitrogen into our room and let it leak out onto us (yes, i am well aware that this is not killing us) i later found out that is how we are freezing the stuff that we take from our mice. goody. if you notice we put parafilm and tinfoil over the top for max protection
^^^i wrote that before we went, i ended up going in the clothes i was wearing…. i looked decently normal, praise god! pics to come.
today, as ludo and i are sitting in the room measuring pressures (aka ludo is the one measuring the pressures and im sitting) dr. hodosy and lubka bring in a giant seaping pot of liquid nitrogen. what are they doing with this? trying to kill us? and all ludo is doing is plotting things to freeze and making jokes like saying "you know, after we freeze them, our mices will be so 'cool', you know, COOL" ludo, you're so funny, so, so, funny.
why. y u bring giant pot of liquid nitrogen into our room and let it leak out onto us (yes, i am well aware that this is not killing us) i later found out that is how we are freezing the stuff that we take from our mice. goody. if you notice we put parafilm and tinfoil over the top for max protection
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