OFFICIALLY BEEN A RESIDENT OF SLOVAKIA FOR 2 FULL WEEKS! AND I HAVENT EVEN TRIED TO COME HOME YET! i think there are one too many people out there who thought i would have. today work was pretty easy, however, i accidentally stabbed ludo with the needle i was going to use to inject a mouse (with baby mouse DNA). didn't really realize how sharp those things where until it…..went straight through his skin and started bleeding into his glove. but hey, everyone needs a little mouse DNA in them, right? im hoping this turns into a spiderman type dealio - mouseman. this kind of made me feel for the little guys a little more..but not really, we're killing them in like a week.

my phone keeps sending me text messages in slovak. i have literally no idea what they are trying to tell me. so i asked rodka today to read it to me and tell me what it said. apparently i went from having 20 euros of credit to having 100 euros of credit……what? i really hope thats not right…. i guess thats what happens when you're the american buying a phone from a slovak..who speaks slovak.
its super windy today and i think every single door in our lab slammed shut at least 27 times. litearlly. and when i say slam i mean slam. i barely survive the bang, im not sure how the little guys are surviving it! they probably shit themselves, literally! we call it hte poop of fear. speaking of the poop of fear, when one of our mice died yesterday, i found it with poo coming midway out of butt. talk about a poop of fear. poop of death maybe.
another thing i was thinking about today when i went to the bathroom was why in gods name do some people decided to make bathroom stalls so small? i felt like i was beans in jade's kennel. and beans looks small in his own kennel! its like…ok, i need some room so i can turn around..unless you want me to back into this stall… literally, walk backwards into it so i don't need to turn around. but that poses a problem. my backpack on my back. i refuse to hold anything i own over the toilet. even if its on my back. you never know what pocket is open or whats going to slip out into the dark abyss of poo. (not that i pooed, just sayin'). if you are smart, you would do the same. so i had to some how turn around, shimmy my backpack off, and sit on this toilet somehow with about 1/2 centimeter of space. with my luck, the cleaning lady was in the bathroom at hte same time as me, and PICTURE THIS:
CLEANING lady: in stall next to mine
ME: trying to move around the tiny stall.
move 1: elbow hit wall "AH"
move 2: drop bag on ground "whew"
move 3: drop pants and hit head on door "god damn it"
move 4: sit
move 5: you know
move 6: get up, pull up pants
move 7: bend over to get backpack
move 8: nail arm on janky toilet paper rack (refer to earlier post for picture)
move 9: manouver myself so my backpack is not hanging over the toilet (i am facing the toilet with bag aginst door)
move 10: reach hand back and open door
move 11: back up out of stall
move 12: hit cleaning lady as i back up because i don't have rear view mirrors
now..all that to go to the bathroom. i think ill stop drinking liquids and eating anything with fiber. they should call me when the bathroom looks like this
then maybe ill take a shower every time i use it. (not!)
just kidding..but seriously…a foot of space would be nice
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