Monday, May 28, 2012

you know its a good day when your animals are having sex


sooo today i made it successfully to work today without any problems! i think thats kind of a big deal. we spent about half our day today measuring blood pressures of rats and mice. this is no easy feat. they insist on flopping and flailing their tails in all directions and we cant get a good reading and it takes FOREVER! (poop emoji)

meet one of my friends. his name is …………..

however, were also trying to mate 10 of our mice currently. and we couldnt take the blood pressure of one of the ladies because they legit no joke were having sex for 4 hours and we didn't need it to be elevated. we were in a pickle because we REEALLLLY need them to get pregnant but we also wanted their blood we just waited. we figured it couldnt take THAT long. until it took 4 hours. we even went to lunch, did another part of the experiemnt, shook coke a few hours, etc etc. and they were still going at it. that poor little lady mouse is all i have to say. but is it sad when the thing i get excited is about that my mice are having sex? ITS A GOOD DAY!

after that i had to go relieve some stress and take in the view from the medical faculty that we have….its decent.

now the other half..
let me ask you, how much do you think you need to shake a coke bottle and open it up before the coke finally becomes flat? I'll tell you. about 4 hours worth. i think that was my work out on the day. what are we? scientists who sit around and shake coke bottles all day so that they will be flat so the rats can drink them? when i drink out of a pop bottle i think that its flat in like 30 minutes without all the extra work of shaking and opening…...we even went to the extremes and put the pop in the incubator to try and get them flat. I think this actually helped. but eventually we thought it was flat enough to put the rats in their cages and start day 1 on ze experiment.

NOW let me ask you…. what would happen if you knocked this entire table of coke over….they don't have lids on…let me tell you.
JOKES i didn't knock them over! but you thought i did for a second!!

living in my dorm is like living in spain and going to work is like living in slovakia. around the people in my dorm i do attempt to talk to them in spanish..and then i go to work this morning and say hola to the people there. seriously? hola is not my language or theirs. its cool though because im learning more of both languages…im trying at least!

tonight i was testing pablo for his english exam…… well first of all, he asked me what iw as going to eat for dinner, and i said pretzels and chocolate, and he said come to his room because he was going to make me dinner, so i went down there, and pretzels was googled on his computer ahhaahhaa. i was dying. its hilarious because they put everything into google translate that they don't know what it is. i tested him on his english and apparently i am a harsh teacher according to ramon pero pablo will be muy inteligente para esta exam. (i suck at spanish) but anyways him and ramon were crackin me up. 

this past weekend i went boating with my friends, it was a blast. we should go again next weekend. i take that back, erin just told me that i drowned in the lake.

buutt its like 1:00 am now and im a little tired soo i should probalby get to sleep. goodnight moon. btw, i miss you my friends and my family. xoxo gossip girl (jk)

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