Happy monday! (or just happy that its over) I've officially studied myself out. Going for 10 hours straight yesterday was a killer, to say the least. BUT i did get a whooolllleee lot of learning in! me=grinding at its finest. I'm hoping all the studying will pay off for my test tomorrow - but i hate how you focus all your attention and energy on one thing and then forget the rest of the stuff you have to do..... errr...crap. like reading a book for english and doing my chem lab...OOPS! whatever, shit happens. im kinda all jacked up on mt. dew right now so idk when sleep will come my way. but taking some tylenol pM doesn't sound like a bad idea right about now. and yes, this is me eating the tylenol pm bottle. tasty. buT annnyyywho. didn't run today, it was my job to rest. and I'm pretty sure that the soreness from my ten miles is just now catching up with me because the entire day my left calf was cramped. guess I should have got me some of these sexy things that
erin wears...dang girl! oh, ps, this pic is from us studying on a saturday night..... in other words, we went

to study, wasted about 2 hours of our life complaining about the fact we didn't want to study, and then ended up going to HyVee, buying tubs of ice cream and watching Something Borrowed. can you say lonely and fat? (p.s. - you literally end up hating every character in something borrowed besides Jim. save yourself the dollar from redbox. shit. that just made me realize redbox is raping me as we speak. this is the second nigght i forgot to return it...god how does my credit card always end up paying the price?????!!) cant win!
Planning on waking up pretty early tomorrow....gotta get to school early to get some last minute looks at da books! nerd alert.
Even though it is monday today, i feel like i got a bunch accomplished. i love feeling like that. but if we like the feeling of being accomplished...why do we insist on being so lazy sometimes? I met with my honor's project mentor, contacted hospices around the area to get into volunteering, started planning on my road to med school, searched around the study abroad sites and looked more into that (the more i look the harder it is to decide where to go...WHERE SHOULD I GO!!????) England or Australia? Lancaster or Canberra? Manchester United soccie or Rugby? Cold Iowa-like weather or warm weather? to be honest, the main thing dragging me towards England is the soccer and the fact you can travel to so many places. Well, and its $2000 cheaper. but the weather in australia is sooo much better...i want to escape from the iowa winter!! ..although those english accents are o h g o d d a m n !
but lets get to the serious stuff. most importantly, its national singles week. i think this week was made for me? many people would probably agree.
but im gonna make like a shepherd and get the flock out of here....and ill leave u with a little joke (because im funny)
why do chemists use nitrates? Because they are cheaper than day rates.
<3:) <-----those two things look funny together. what is on the smile'ys head??? i cant decide.... deuces
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