Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'd like to first start off by dedicating this post to char (wait...char, you read this blog? shit.) - you're right, it has been too long. and so i am posting this pic because this is josh's friend but he reminded me of your friend tyrell (tyrone, tyrese? wtf was his name?). except this one peed his pants.

 and yes I am sitting in bed with the lights off on my computer thinking about how i should be sleeping. I obviously have more important things to do. (facebook)? and this website that i just saw kyle post on facebook. it's like and i recommend that dad check this one out because he will j in dem p's when he sees the deals on this site. THEY ARE OUTA CONTROL!

But for realz been a busy bee these days. i had every intention of going to work tonight and getting things done. and then grant came in and decided itd be kewl to stay the entire time  = no work done. and then i came home and sat around for an hour and climbed in bed. I also had every intention of waking up at 4:30 to run my 12 miles (my half is next weekend! :O  ) but then realized why would i do that? thats kind of like how I was supposed to wake up this morning and do it with erin. that didnt happen so why would tomorrow happen? oH - btw, havent made it to my 8 am bio class on time in at least the last month. idk how many times erin has come into my room saying "hey kat, don't you have class this morning?" as the bus I'm suppposed to be getting on drives by..... oops. maybe thats why i got a 54% on my practical. good memories.

but anyways, probs best part of my weekend was this..... why do u think i changed my twitter name to @kakemetten?
shout out to the glaza's for providing us with this gem....... lets just say it didn't last long
It was parents weekend last weekend so robert's parents came up and brought us the cake.....yum in my tum. thats waht im sayin. 

so but it was seth's and pat's bdays on saturday so i made them some cupcakes........

 annnddd here are the cupcakes i made. only 2 of the little ones made it out alive.....
 aannnddd this is how we used one of pat's cupcakes. can u say bootycaked? sorry patrick. if you're wondering what happened to the other ones, pat's cousin ate 3 of them thats all i know. last stop of the night: seth, ryan, rich, and matt's apartment. friday night before seth's bday and i find him playing fast typer and drinking beer. ryan is doing homework. they are watching a tv that is on mute. you can notice seth's cupcakes sitting next to him but he refuses to eat them because "i am trying to make him fat" notice: keystone in the left corner. 


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