-oh hey! this is just me on a turtle at sea world... seemed like a good pic to start my post off with? eh? but anyways....
-WOOOOHHEEE! this morning i went 10 miles with
Erin. Now thats what im talkin about! 13 miles doesn't seem so far anymore. Woke fairly early (7:45?), didn't have to wake up at the break of dawn today which was great.. thank god it was cold out because the last thing i needed was a bunch of people around campus laughing at me as i attempted to run a mileage that was unheard of to me about 3 months ago. especially when i was on erin the ultimate's side. i wasn't sure how it was gonna go since i was up late last night partying (studying....). thats not a joke, i was actually studying. which i will be doing again tonight. how fun can one person get!?
**stole this next pic from
Erin ...i was too lazy to use my own camera so i snatched it from her blog! this us after our run. looking pretty good, right? of course we go straight for the kitchen after our run.. can't get enough of that food. it is too bad that both of us had to leave right away so all I got in was an orange and all erin got in was a protein bar or something.... needless to say we both got back home around 3:15 and stuffed our faces with food.
are we a nike ad? too bad u cant see our shoes |
-UNFORTNATE RUNNING EVENT: had to stop at HyVee this morning during our run to buy some anti-chafing cream. now this is why allllll da boiz want me!!!!!! (thats why i use the self-checkout) (why im single) but anyways then I didn't wanna carry it with me all the way on our run since we were only about 3 miles in, so i hid it under a bush outside of hyvee. and that is real. i was surprised some hobo didn't pick it up, who doesn't need anti-chafing cream? especially when you turn in cans more times a week then you get in the shower. but needless to say it was still there on our way back (thank god!) that shiz cost me 7 bucks!
-unfortunate running event #2: ok this one goes for all long runs...lets be honest, with all the fiber I eat how am i not supposed to have to go to the bathroom when im bouncing up and down for 10 miles? lucky for us there are buildings everywhere since we were running around campus. had a nice little stop at Howe Engineering Building....(thats the building we study at) (no we are not engineers) lucky for us, Lego League was going on - we got about as many stares as we did at HyVee buying the cream.
oh. saw this on yahoo news today when i was doing my daily check up on the world (sad substitute for the real news..i know) but i came across this.
article about this lady who is going to eat McDonalds for 31 days straight WHILE training for her marathon. barf? no seriously, i'd probably barf and i'm pretty sure that she has.
Soooooo now on a more serious note....which of these do I want to get tonight? cant decide......
This is a very real question despite how petty it may seem!
....whichever one i choose i will be pairing it with some delicious subway..... OH YEAH.
But i gotta split for now... gotta go get my studying in for the night with maradi, pat, and tate! Can't wait to get some...... knowledge!